Monda | Aqua Centrum Bremerbergse Hoek


  • Camping and beach huts with a view over the Veluwe Lake
  • Marina at the campsite
  • For young and old!


Marina Aqua Centrum Bremerbergse Hoek is located directly on the widest part of the Veluwemeer, making it the ideal base for sailing on the Randmeren or the IJsselmeer.


✓ 500 moorings (draught 1.50 and 3.00 metres)
✓ Electricity and drinking water on the jetty
✓ Sanitary facilities available
✓ Several catering establishments
✓ Relaxation on the sandy beach
✓ Boat crane and trailer ramp
✓ Winter storage possible
✓ Special catamaran jetties

Enjoy the beautiful view from your yacht over the Veluwemeer and moor on the surrounding islands ''Ral'' and ''Pierland''. Let the holiday begin!

Marina prices

De jachthaven in het kort:

✅ 500 ligplaatsen (diepgang 1,50 en 3,00 meter)
✅ Elektriciteit en drinkwater op de steiger
✅ Sanitaire voorzieningen aanwezig
✅ Meerdere horecagelegenheden
✅ Ontspannen op het zandstrand
✅ Botenkraan + Trailerhelling
✅ Winterstalling mogelijk
✅ Speciale Catamaran steigers

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Een sfeerimpressie van de jachthaven 📸